Tuesday 29 November 2016

First Draft: Front Cover and Peer Review

This is my first draft for my magazine front cover.
I asked a number of people to check out this design and give me some feedback to 4 questions I asked so I could have some constructive criticism to help me make adjustments. For this draft I tried to follow one of my mock-up plans as closely as possible as I was happy with the outcome of that. I'm not sure about the turnout of this design though.

In conclusion, my feedback is positive, which helps me to know I'm on the right track. However some improvements that have been suggested include adjusting the cover lines - make them stand out more, and/or adjust the positioning. Another suggestion was making my header bolder - this is true as it's something I'd want to stand out if it was on the shelves in a shop, I personally think adjusting the font would be something to think about too.

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