Sunday 20 November 2016

Double Page Spread Photoshoot

So, I had planned with my friend Ernie, that today we'd take some DPS images. It came to 3 o'clock and he messaged me to let me know he couldn't meet me till 5pm. Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do about that, and so we did meet at around 5.30, though it was dark by this point. I had originally planned for some well-lit, serious images, but with personality - mirroring the front cover photoshoot really. However, with the darkness, and my lack-of-a-tripod, I didn't have much luck in achieving those. The images I took haven't quite come out as well as I'd hoped, and with the flash I'm not a fan of the cheap lighting it brings. Though, nonetheless, it's a start! I'll see how I get on with these for the time being, but I'll take some new ones otherwise. 

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