Friday 4 November 2016

Pre-Production Work: Interview and Artists

Interview for Double Page Spread

For my interview, I will need to be interviewing an artist that will attract an audience, so therefore it will need to be an artist that is well known in the indie genre. By looking at my questionnaire analysis, the well-known artists would be a good place to start. 
I'd like to focus on modern, on-scene artists, so this could be artists such as Bastille or Foals. Both these artists are well-known amongst the younger audience that I'd ideally like to attract.

Potential Questions for Interview:
- How did you start your musical career?
- Were you musical as a child?
- What artists have you been inspired by?
- What's been your favourite performance in the past year?
- Do you get nervous before performances?
- Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while performing?
- Where do you seen yourself in future?
- How do you deal with fans in public?
- Has life changed for you since you became more widely known?
- What do you find most interesting/fun in your career?
- What else do you do outside of music?
- How do you spend your time at home?
- What music festivals have you been to/where do you recommend?
- Do you like to party?
- What advice do you have for your fans?

My interview can be in two different forms: serious and informative, or light hearted. I think for my magazine, a more light-hearted approach should be used, but it should also be equally informative so that the reader's have their money's worth.

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