Tuesday 6 December 2016

Second Front: Cover Draft

Second Draft

Following my peer feedback from my initial draft, I've been working on improving that draft into something more suitable, and something I'm happier to show.

- I've changed the header font into something bolder and bigger so it's more of an eye-catching part of the design. I found the last font to almost blend in with the background which isn't what I want.
- I also edited the size of the cover lines, and reduced the amount I had on there. This creates a more minimalist feel which I think suits the overall look and allows the cover to say more about itself without text dictating it.
- I also decided to move my model so she was more on the right hand side of the cover. While this was a bit of a tricky procedure as I had to add more onto the image as the photo wasn't large enough, I did eventually get there. I moved the cover lines to the left hand side to add more balance to the cover.

Still needs some work but this is where I'm up to for the time being!

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